Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Will: Declutter Your Life with Value and Action

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by the sheer number of things you could do, only to end up doing the ones that don’t bring you joy or add value to your life? Oh, come on, admit it. We’ve all been there, juggling tasks we mistakenly thought were crucial, only to later realize they were the adult equivalent of trying to fit into our high school jeans: possible, but why bother?


Well, my friends, it’s time for a little spring cleaning of our to-do lists, and I’ve got just the tool to help us. It’s called a Value and Action Box, or as I like to call it, the “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you will” decision box. This is one of my favorite tools to use with my mindset coaching clients!

Imagine if you will...

a simple box. But not just any box. This one is special. It's divided into four quadrants, with "Can" and "Can't" sprawled across the top and "Will" and "Won't" lining the side. This nifty little grid is more than just a place to jot down tasks; it's a visual representation of where your energy is going — and where it should be going.

Quadrant 1: Can and Will

This is the sweet spot, the crème de la crème of task management. The activities that land here are the ones that bring value to our lives, the ones we’re not just able to do but are also willing to do. These are your priorities, the tasks you embrace with the passion of a thousand sunsets.

Quadrant 2: Can but Won’t

Ah, the land of good intentions. Here lie the tasks we’re capable of doing but just don’t have the heart (or the motivation) to tackle. It’s time to delegate these babies or give them a hard pass. Life’s too short to fill it with should-haves and might-dos.

Quadrant 3: Can’t but Will

This quadrant is a tricky one. It’s filled with the things we wish we could do but realistically can’t. Maybe it’s time, resources, or just plain old physical impossibilities (looking at you, flying unaided). Recognizing these limitations isn’t defeat; it’s an act of focusing our energy where it can truly make an impact.

Quadrant 4: Can’t and Won’t

Here’s where we dump the mental clutter, the tasks that don’t align with our abilities or our desires. It’s liberating to acknowledge that some things just aren’t meant for us, and that’s perfectly okay.

This approach isn’t just about doing more; it’s about doing more of what matters. It’s a method to help us create boundaries and focus our energies on activities that truly enhance our lives. By visually mapping out our tasks, we can easily identify which ones deserve our time and which ones need to go.

Start by listing out your tasks and categorizing them into the four quadrants. Be honest with yourself — this tool only works if you are. Then, focus on your Can and Will quadrant. These are your non-negotiables, the tasks that deserve your attention.

For the Can but Won’t tasks, consider if they can be delegated or eliminated altogether. For the Can’t but Will, think about whether there’s a way to make these tasks feasible or if it’s time to let them go. And for the Can’t and Won’t? Give yourself permission to release these from your mental load.

Introducing the “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you will” decision box into your life is more than just an exercise in task management; it’s a commitment to self-care and personal growth. It’s about making space for the things that truly matter and giving yourself the gift of focus, clarity, and peace of mind.

So, my dear friends, let’s not just declutter our spaces this season, but our tasks and commitments too. Because, at the end of the day, life isn’t about doing all the things; it’s about doing the right things — for you.

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Blueprint |Wellness Tools
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