Picture this: It’s just another day with its hustle and bustle, where stress, forgotten dreams, and things we never said create a bit of a jumble in our heads. It’s like we’re all carrying around a backpack filled with ‘what-ifs’ and ‘one days’. Now, imagine finding a secret little tool that helps you unpack all that, neatly and one piece at a time, a powerful tool for self-discovery. That’s what a journal can be for us – the fantastic women making waves and riding the rollercoaster of life at the Edge.

It's like the map to your deepest thoughts

Journaling is cool because it's not just about writing; it's about being in the moment, taking care of yourself, and letting your imagination run wild. Hey, it's a no-judgment zone! It's about cheering for the wins you've scored, learning from the oops moments, and treating your story with the kindness it deserves. Think of journaling as your personal GPS when you're at a crossroads, helping you navigate to who you really want to be.

So, is jotting down thoughts actually beneficial? You bet! There have been multiple studies published in reputable medical journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association, Cambridge Health and National Institutes of Health, to name a few, that have found actual clinical benefit to expressive writing about emotional experiences. Regularly jotting down your inner-most thoughts could seriously lift your spirits and might even be good for your health. It’s like giving your brain (and your body) a mini-boost every day.

Let's do this thing!

I know, I know, starting something new can be like, “Where do I even begin?” But hey, it's just you, the pen, and the paper. No one's grading you here (no flashbacks to Mrs. 5th-grade teacher who hated my handwriting, either). Just let your pen wander. Write about anything – your new favorite smoothie, the work thing you crushed, or that silly tiff about loading the dishwasher (really, there's a right way to do it!).

Need a little nudge? Here are some easy-peasy prompts to kick off your journaling journey:

  1. What three values are so ‘you’ and how did they show up in your life today?
  2. Got something heavy on your mind? How can flipping the script make it feel lighter?
  3. List out three little happy moments from today. How did they make the day brighter?
  4. What’s one teeny step you can take tomorrow towards something you’ve been dreaming about?
Do you know your story?

Journaling is kind of like hanging out with yourself and getting all the tea. It's time to grab your life's story by the reins, sketch out your very own 'Blueprint for Brilliance', and find the sparkles inside that make you, well, you! Trust me, there's something kinda magical about putting pen to paper – it's like a warm hug for your heart and a high-five for your brain.

In the grand storybook of life, journaling is not just a side note; it’s your personal memoir in the making. It’s that quiet little moment when you can breathe out the day’s chaos and tune in to your heart’s whispers. As your wellness cheerleader, I promise, journaling can be that sprinkle of fairy dust that turns “just another day” into a day of discovery and joy.

I practice what I preach, friend!

I will be the first one to tell you about the transformative power of writing down the scenes that play out over and over in your mind. Journaling was a huge part of my sober journey, my weight loss journey, my holistic wellness journey, my...you get the picture. I have actual journals, books to hold my truest, weirdest thoughts. I also have slews of other journaling "mediums" that have served me quite well over my years...backs of envelopes, post-it notes, random pieces of cardboard. I'm an equal opportunity writer. If it needs to come out, it's gotta come out!

I start each day with a journal entry, before I ever get out of bed. I reflect on any dreams I happen to remember, make space for gratitude and positive intentions, and commit to the ME goals that keep me moving forward.  It’s such a powerful way to start the day. It’s a 5-10 minute commitment that starts my day out on the right level and gives me an excuse to stay snugged up with my cats for a little bit longer each morning.

I prefer to use simple soft cover 5″x8″ notebooks for my journaling. I buy them in packs of 6 or 8 on Amazon. This is the last set of notebooks I bought. I just love the positive affirmations on the covers. They’re easy to write in and easy to carry (yep, I put them in my purse sometimes, too!)

I’m also a huge colored pen / marker junkie!  I love to write in a variety of colors. It sets the tone for my entry and definitely my writing mood. I’m a huge fan of the Paper Mate Flair line. Depending on the feel of my energy, I’ll write with the 0.7mm or for a bolder flavor, the 1.2mm. I won’t use the knock-offs. They’re just not as good and it makes me sad to have an ugly journal page because of a crappy pen (It’s one of my quirks.)

So, what’s the verdict? Are you ready to dip your toe into the wandering waters of journaling and make some ‘me time’ magic happen? To all my wonderful pals out there riding the waves with me, consider this your official invite: Let’s turn our journals into a splash of color, a peaceful corner, and a trail guide through the wilds of our minds. Let’s open our hearts, splash our thoughts onto the pages, and see just how amazing this ride can be when we dare to tell ourselves like it is.

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